10 Reasons Why Women Don't Want To Sleep With You


 neemayetuI've been writing about the art of gaming women for a while now. A lot of guys ask me one similar question. "Etemesi, how did you get to know all this stuff about women?". Well, i took my time and learned. I wasn't born gifted with women. The only gift i was born with was the gift of writing.  So in order to be the punani conqueror, I used to read stuff about seduction. I also watched the real dons in action from time to time and sought their advise, the same way people seek from me nowadays.  Then i built confidence within myself. And walaaaaa..... things worked out for me well. Since 2014, a week has never passed without me banging a girl. So i am like a poor guy who became rich. I am familiar with both sides of the coin.  I know how it feels to be good with women and i also know how it feels not to be.
Unless you were born a natural, you’ve probably been a point in your life where you thought girls didn’t like you. That was me several years ago. Maybe it is the lengthy dry spell. Or maybe you just don’t have female friends.  Let's say you even have girls in your circle, but most of them just want to hang around you but not give you Le Poosy. What might be the problem? Lemme help you troubleshoot. Play close attention son.
You don’t know how to spoil a girl
The number one mistake you are probably doing with new girls is taking them on lunch. coffee and dinner dates.These kinds of dates greatly decrease your chances of getting laid sooner. Not only does all that food prevent attraction, but you’re sitting far away from her, on the opposite side of the table, unable to touch. Such dates also give a girl too much time to judge you.


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