Meatu MP had asked the prime minister to take appropriate measures against an investor who engages in hunting activities Meatu regional district Simiyu alleged harassing citizens.
In addition, the member has asked the government to keep searching for a solution to a territorial dispute between the Maswa wildlife and villages bordering the park.
Speaking on behalf of the citizens in the rally, MP has claimed that Meatu big nuisance involves a private company of the investor that the punch had been claiming complain of torture by beating state which he said should not continue
Responding to complaints that Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa said the government can not see the entrepreneur doing evil deeds without respecting the rules of the country where he has instructed the governor of Simiyu Elaston Mbwilo meet the investor through all the deals and information should be given to the prime minister by March 11 whether it will be has violated some aspects of the government will take appropriate measures.